Friday, February 5, 2010

Go to the Olympics Frankie!

Dear, Frankie
I would like you to go to Stanley Park because it is very big. You can also go to the Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is very big and it goes back and fourth. Frankie you can also go to Grouse Mountain. It is very big and it has some snow and you can go tubing. You can go very fast and you can go to a lot of hills there. You can also go to many malls in Vancouver. They are very big and there are lots of pet stores and food. You can go to downtown Vancouver and see where the Olympics are getting hosted. It will be very fun for you Frankie so you should go there. You should go to Whistler so you can use arm skies. It will be so fun because you can go in the lodge after.
BY Elijah

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